Adult Sunday School
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Sunday Mornings
Beyond the Basics: (in the parlor)
A small diverse group of adults with the need "connect" in a large church. We spend the first half of class in fellowship, sharing our joys and sorrows in a safe and supportive environment and then we pray together. The second half of class we do a book study on a Christian book by authors like Andy Andrews, Mitch Albom or Max Lucado. Our "family" always has room to grow! We meet in the Parlor!
What is a Lutheran?: (in pastor's office)
Pastor Ian will be teaching a six week class on what it means to be a Lutheran. We will be exploring the documents, ideas and reasons why millions of people have chosen to align themselves with the Lutheran comprehension of the Christian faith. So if you are new to the church or just want to know more about the Lutheran Faith come join the group.