Sunday Services

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Each Sunday we offer two different worship experinces. All of them have their unique aspects and musical styles and at the same time hold on to the major tenets found in Lutheran worship. Each week the sermons are inspired from the scriptures read during the service for the day. We invite you to join us for any or all of the services and welcome you to join us at the Lord's table for communion which is distributed at all three services each week.



First Lutheran is always happy to have children join us at our worship services. We offer several different ways to inspire and support our young peoples experince at our church. If you have children we have program bags and special children's bulletins that can be found in the back of the church that provide all kinds of great stuff to entertain young minds during the service. We also provide a nursery open during both of our morning worship services.


8:30 am Contemporary Worship Service

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This service is a blended worship experince where the major tenets of Lutheran worship such as confession, recitation of the ancient creeds, commuion and the Lord's prayer blend with a modern liturgicial and musical style. The service is led musicially by a worship team that includes guitars, piano and, on occasion, drums. The service is a casual service so feel free to come just as you are and enjoy the experince as God speaks to you through his word and music. 





10:45 am Traditional Worship Service

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At  First Lutheran's traditional worship service you can expect a service that follows the Lutheran Book of Worship's communion settings. The service is led by the Senior Choir and accompanied by the organ and trumpets. Communion at the traditional service is more formal and includes receiving communion at the Altar rail each week. 





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