Back Pack Ministry


In the fall of 2012, the school nurse from Jefferson Elementary school brought to the attention of our church that several children in the area were not getting adequate food over the weekend. Many of these children were eating lunch on Friday and their next true meal would be breakfast on Monday. Even though the school system and nurses knew this was a problem they did not have the ability or means to truly do anything about this issue facing their children. 


So the school nurse decided to try and partner with local churches to help feed the children over the weekend. We intially started by filling up 8 backpacks for children each weekend. Unfortunately, the number of children needing food has grown exponentially over the past years and we now feed forty +  children on a regular basis for each weekend. 


Each week the backpack ministry group gathers on Wednesday morning in order to pack the backpacks for the weekend. The food comes from people bringing in indvidually wrapped items that are very easy to prepare, and from financial gifts that are donated to the ministry. If you would like to donate food or money toward the cause, please contact the church office (304/428-6174). 

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