Youth Group

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Our future starts now! Our children are an active part of our worship and faith community. There are many opportunities for all ages to be involved in life at First Lutheran Church!

What IS Youth Group?

Each Sunday at 5 pm, youth gather at the church to share in fellowship and activities that lend themselves to fun and community building. Picture scavenger hunts, cooking challenges, overnighters at the church and intense games of Spoons are just a few favorites!

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Service to our community plays an important role in youth group at First Lutheran Church. Our youth eagerly participate in World Vision's 30 Hour Famine, a week long NYC mission trip to the Lower East Side and trips to a food kitchen in Charleston. There are numerous other events through the year- check back for more information!

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To serve our youth the best we can, we have events geared to different people throughout the month and year. We have family events for young and old alike. We also have specific activities for senior youth (grades 6-12) and junior youth (grades 3-12).

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