Baptism at First Lutheran



Baptism is a critical first step in the Christian life of every believer. Lutherans baptize infants, older children and adults. The act of Baptism officially welcomes individuals into the family of God and it is the first step on a life-long journey of faith. The faith that is affirmed at baptism must be nurtured and strengthened for a lifetime. This is done through regular worship, studying the Bible, and being in community with God’s people.


To help your family understand the meaning of baptism in the Lutheran Church, Pastor Ian will set up an appointment with you to explain the meaning of the baptism service and the promises that you and your baptismal sponsors will be asked to make before God and God’s people. The meeting is usually about a hour long and Pastor Ian prefers when both parents attend this meeting when possible. Also children are welcome to come along as well.


Parents will be asked to make promises for their children; adults will commit to their own promises.

At the time your child is baptized, you will promise to: live with them among God's faithful people, bring them to the word of God and the holy supper, teach them the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments, place in their hands the holy scriptures, and nurture them in faith and prayer, so that your children may learn to trust God, proclaim Christ through word and deed, care for others and the world God made and work for justice and peace.


The church recommends that you choose baptismal sponsors/God parents be present at the service. Your sponsors should be people  strong in the Christian faith and willing to  promise to accompany you on your journey or care for the spiritual needs of your child if you are unable to do so. Your sponsors will be Christian people who are willing to keep the promises that they will make on the day of the baptism.


At First Lutheran, baptisms are performed in the church as part of one of the three Christian worship service held each Sunday.  We beleive that it is important that it happen before a group of gathered believers, because Lutherans believe that Holy Baptism welcomes an individual into the family of God, the church. God’s gathered people will promise, along with you and your sponsors, to pray for you (or for parents-- you and your child). Private baptism are done in case of emergencies only as a rule of thumb.


No distinction is made at First Lutheran with regard to baptisms performed for children whose parents may be married or unmarried. However, it is prefered that both parents agree to having their child baptized, in the case of a child baptism.

There is no charge for a baptism service. This is part of our ongoing ministry to our members, their families, and to our community. We pray that God would use this special event to strengthen your own faith and your commitment to God’s Church.

At First Lutheran, it is assumed that the Pastor of First Lutheran will be the lead pastor in all baptisms at the church. If you have a Pastor who you would like to take a role in the baptism, please discuss it with Pastor Ian at your meeting with him.

A baptism is a wonderful opportunity for renewal and re-dedication to God for all the members of your family. May God bless the important decisions and plans you are making at this time! Please contact Pastor Ian if you have any further questions, or if you would like to set up an appointment.

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