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Introduction to the Feast of All the Saints:

All Saints Day is a universal Christian Feast that honors and remembers all Christian saints, known and unknown. In the Western Church (esp. Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Anglicans) it is celebrated on November 1. The Eastern Orthodox Churches observe it on the first Sunday after Pentecost.


Ephrem Syrus (d. 373) mentions a Feast dedicated to the saints in his writings. St. Chrysostom of Constantinople (d. 407) was the first Christian we know of to assign the Feast to a particular day: the first Sunday after Pentecost. The Feast did not become established in the Western Church, all saints4however, until the Roman bishop Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon at Rome to Christian usage as a church on May 13, 609 or 610. The Feast was observed annually on this date until the time of Bishop of Rome, Gregory III (d. 741) when its observance was shifted to Nov. 1, since on this date Gregory dedicated a chapel in the Basilica of St. Peter's to "All the Saints." It was Gregory IV (d. 844), who in 835 ordered the Feast of All Saints to be universally observed on Nov. 1.

How we Celebrate All Saints Day at FLC :

all saints3First Lutheran Celebrates All Saints Day on November 1st by reading off all of the names at noon that have been listed in the book of Saints for the year.  The book of Saints is a book that is placed in the narthex throughout the month of October in order that people can write down names of loved ones who have gone to be with God. If you would like to add a friend or loved one  to this book feel free to ask the office to place your loved ones name in the book.

First Lutheran also celebrates All Saints Day during worship on the 1st Sunday of November each year. During the churche service we read each members name and  light a candle in their honor. This shows that we are recognizing that they have passed from the Church Militant to the Church Triumphant. Also during communion instead of singing we read off the list of Saints from the book of Saints.

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